Saturday, June 18, 2016

The 3 Best Books I Know For Teaching Yourself to Draw

Sad but true.  And in a few cases, they were worse than useless, either because the information in them was just plain wrong, or because they directed me down unproductive paths and wasted my time with fripperies instead of concentrating on drawing fundamentals.
Still, in all the books I’ve come across there is a very short list of real gems that I’ve found have really helped me in my bid to grow artistically and develop my drawing skills.
The books on this list are outrageously useful, in my opinion. I recommend them without reserve. They account for a very small percentage of all the art books I have, but they’re the only ones I really needed to buy.
If you’re teaching yourself to draw, I recommend you get these three books and work with them constantly and consistently for two years. If you put the effort in, I think you’ll be amazed at how far you can develop your drawing skills.    

1. The Practice and Science of Drawing – Harold Speed

2. The Bargue book


3. Composition – Arthur Wesley Dow


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